
Monday, December 17, 2012

Solving a Simpler, Analogous Problem (Specification Without Loss of Generality)

Although by now it should be apparent that there is usually more than one way to solve a problem, the issue at hand is to discover (or determine) the best, most efficient, or most revealing method for solving a particular problem.  One method that sometimes turns out to be most revealing is to change the given problem into one that may be easier to solve and, by solving this ancillary problem, gain the insight needed to solve the original problem.  

The Solving a Simpler Analogous Problem as a strategy in Everyday Life Problem-Solving Situations
Beberapa contoh dalam kehidupan sehari-hari mengenai Solving a simpler, analogous problem  Seperti misalnya seorang koki yang ingin membuat kue yang lebih besar. Untuk menentukan takaran kue yang lebih besar, koki tersebut akan mengambil yang lebih sederhana dengan melihat takaran kue yang lebih kecil sehingga bisa membuat kue yang lebih besar.
For further information, you can see this power point slide show about this strategy below.
Di dalam presentasi power point di bawah ini, saya memberikan contoh-contoh soal dan pembahasannya pula terkait dengan simpler analogous problem.

Reference Book
Problem-Solving Strategies For  Efficient and Elegant  Solutions: A Resource for the Mathematics Teacher by Alfred S. Posamentier, and Stephen Krulik

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